rippling crystal blue water

"Murray's Middle"

If you've successfully completed "The Billy Basics" workout routine and are looking for the next challenge, the "Murray Middle" workout plan is your ideal next step. This intermediate plan builds on the foundation laid by "The Billy Basics," introducing more intensity and complexity to push your physical limits and prepare you for a healthier, more active lifestyle—what we call the "Flex Lifestyle."

The Transition from Basics to Intermediate

The "Murray Middle" plan is designed for those who have mastered the basics and are ready to take their fitness journey to the next level. It includes a wider variety of exercises and increases both the volume and intensity of the workouts. While "The Billy Basics" focused on simple movements with incremental repetition increases, "Murray Middle" incorporates more dynamic exercises and structured routines that challenge different muscle groups.

What to Expect

The "Murray Middle" plan is not for the faint-hearted. It demands dedication and hard work, distinguishing those committed to transforming their bodies from those who might still be on the fence. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Advanced Push-Ups: Variations such as decline push-ups and diamond push-ups to target different parts of the chest and triceps.

  • Core Work: More challenging abdominal exercises, including planks and leg raises, to enhance core stability and strength.

  • Cardio Intensification: Incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with exercises like burpees and sprint intervals to boost cardiovascular fitness.

  • Strength Building: Introducing weights and resistance bands in routines for squats, lunges, and shoulder presses to build muscle mass and endurance.

Looking to get your body pool-ready for summer fun? By the end of "The Murray Middle," you’ll notice significant improvements in your strength, endurance, and body composition. This transformation will not only make you feel great but also boost your confidence. Imagine arriving at the pool, effortlessly pulling off your shirt, and enjoying the water without a second thought. No more hiding under T-shirts—embrace the freedom and fun of summer with your new, fit body.

In short, "The Murray Middle" program is your pathway to a confident, shirt-free summer. Get ready to impress at the pool and enjoy the season to the fullest with a body that shows off your hard work and dedication.